Sunday, April 25, 2010

Signing Off in Seattle

It was a blustery Spring day in Seattle when I set out to fix the universe for the last time. The park was bustling with children playing on every piece of equipment except for one — the swing. Amidst the mayhem, the swing somehow remained unoccupied — beckoning me back to complete my mission.

No one paid much attention as I began to gather momentum in preparation for the launch. No one paid any mind to my intrepid wife and photographer as she prepared the camera to capture the momentous event. And when I hit the ground after a successful flight, the kids were still playing, the parents were still engrossed with their kids and the universe received a final simultaneous dual hemisphere adjustment (given success by Gibson-OZ).

Of course, I had the proper document tucked in my back left pocket as required. A wonderful drawing on the theme of "Happiness" by the daughter of a friend of mine. Let's hope that a universe in perfect balance will make it easier for happiness to find us all.

Thanks for following along with our adventures over the past year. It's been a pleasure saving the world for you.


  1. It has been a pleasure and an honour serving the world with you, Gibson.

    Onward and Upward!

  2. Lana drew a stunningly acurate portrait of you Gibson. Very nice.

    Great work to both of you Gibsons! Earth shall continue on it's axis.(We may need your help again in 2012.)

    Bon voyage....

  3. nectar,

    You are mistaken about the subject of the portrait. That's actually a drawing of her father who shares many of my finer qualities.

  4. Nothing says 'happiness' like a couple of disembodied heads following you around.

  5. A Standing OVATION to you BOTH!!!!! I felt sad for the universe until it hit me that, perhaps without your knowing, you, OZ/US, aligned yourselves and will unknowingly continue with all mundane chores in life. Not as elaborate or entertaining but at same time the planet will be safe. Imagine just peeing at the same time or drinking a beverage at the same time. Thank you for laughs and salvation!!! US MOM
